+351 213 526 600 (Chamada para Rede Fixa Nacional) |

Medical Tourism

Your Health and Well-Being are priceless. Rossitur, together with Medical Port, has come to specialize in the area which is one of the most innovative and thorough options we put at your disposal – Medical Tourism.


Portugal has been indicated as the ideal medical care fulfillment destination. And has been recognized internationally for excellence in medical services, hospitality and climate which characterize the country.


As a global facilitator of Medical Tourism in Portugal and established partnerships with major clinical entities in the country, Medical Port has the possibility to propose many alternatives and Rossitur can organize a full program in accordance with the medical treatment you need, highlighting:

  • Plastic Surgery
  • Diagnosis & Check-Ups
  • Assistance Reproductive Technology
  • Orthopedic & Physical Therapy
  • Hernia Repair
  • Psychology
  • Ophthalmology


Seeing its excellent value for money and unquestionable quality, Portugal becomes the perfect candidate for vital solutions.

We ensure that the entire process is carried out in a swift manner, without startles nor surprises.

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Em cumprimento da lei nº 144/2015 informamos que para a resolução de conflitos de consumo deve ser contactada a comissão arbitral do Turismo de Portugal www.turismodeportugal.pt